Saturday, August 4, 2007

The phoenix rises from the ashes......

Well folks. Here it is. My blog.

A little background info:

I used to weight nearly 400 lbs. I have lost over 50 since last year. I have been on a journey of sorts. Trying to figure out my life, my head, and where i fit in this world. I spent about 1o years compulsively overeating which lead to my huge waist and some really terrible feelings. So one day i was lucky enough to wake up and decided i didn't really like wallowing in my own crap....

My wife and I joined Weight watchers. we go every week and we stay for the meetings. We always get something good from the meetings. By the way, my wife has lost over 80 lbs.

I decided to get more into fitness cause one day i had to run for the train and i was so out of breath. I took 15 minutes for my heart rate to get back down to normal. So i started at my local gym (Fitness Incentive). I am very lucky because the people at the gym are fantastic. I have so many friends. Today these people are part of my extended family. I progressed from beginner classes to expert.

A few years ago I saw the Ironman Hawaii on TV and i was amazed but I thought I could never do it. Two years ago i saw a triathlon magazine and bought it. I was always a strong bicyclist. The run i figured that I could always run/walk(which i later found out are called intervals). But I did not swim. I kept saying "all i need to do is figure out how to swim." In April 2006, Tina and I went to Fort Lauderdale, FL. Fort Lauderdale just happens to be the home of the swimming hall of fame and has one of the coolest outdoor swim facilities in the country:) It is located on A1A. The tri gods must have known. I walked in and set up a lesson. It was started. I had my lesson with Dan the swim coach. He helped me out and i actually was able to swim 25 meters without dying or drowning. The quest had begun......

Shoot forward to this past January. I did not swim much since april. Wanted to but never happened. I am one of those people who has excuses. I made every excuse up in the book not to swim. One day my friend Derek proposed we meet and swim and he would give me a few tips. It went pretty good so we started meeting every sunday and we would swim for an hour or so. I saw a small tri (mini-mighty man) that was something i thought i could complete(without drowning). I finished the mini-mighty (400m,6miles,2miles) in 1:07:59.

More to come:)


Tea said...

What an amazing story. Making this committment with your wife makes it just that much better.

Congrats on what you've accomplished this year. I'm sure one day you'll be crossing that finish line as an Ironman.

Trininja said...

That's awsome man! Just plane freaking awsome. Keep up the good work.

Trininja said...

That's awsome man! Just plane freaking awsome. Keep up the good work.